Friday, August 10, 2012

Trickle Down Garbage

It is rage-inducing to be treated like an idiot.  Can't help it, it started with the young and the uniformed on my mind and how they are being preyed upon by those in power.  Remember when the Denzel Washington character, Joe Miller, in the movie "Philadelphia" would amend his questions with, "Now tell it to me like I'm a 4-year old."  Hence the 30 year history of the gigantic lie that won't die - trickle down economics - offered today in as simple a narrative as possible. The special appeal is the facts are simple, despite our all being told for decades that this is so highly complex.  Translation: you are all too stupid to understand economics.

Update: Apologies for the lack of clarity here.  Rage will do that.  The clip is childishly simple, yet it is effective in conveying a point.  The rage, the criticism was based on 30+ years of being told the economics behind trickle down was so complex most of us wouldn't be able to understand it.  *snort*  Sorry for the confusion.