Friday, August 17, 2012

Hey Girl

The conventional wisdom of local elections is to steer clear of party politics and it used to make a lot of sense.  But those days are over in the US when a major political party has so aligned with corporate and theocratic forces as to be a public threat to fully half the population. 

I'm talking to women.  This last week has further debased women in the country with the newly announced vice presidential candidate being aggressively hostile to women's rights for control over their own bodies.  This isn't a special interest, issues question.  This is about fundamental civil rights, human rights, misogyny and a profound question of humanity.  

Corporate media is rarely (never) credited on this blog as it is viewed as a major part of the US loss of democracy and justice. In this instance, Rachael Maddow represents a lone voice in speaking directly to women in this country; that is half of the population.  Even if this is preaching to the choir, it's important for all of us, including men who would be allies to women, to pay close attention.

Ryan is known all across the web as ZEGS or Zombie Eyed Granny Strarver.  But, that's another post for another time.