Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Small Space etc. - Intimate planting

Nature on a global scale is one thing, like the Amazon rain forest or our national parks. Thinking locally isn't too hard. Our community finally has an Urban Forest Manual and we have wonderfully vigilant neighborhoods protecting our historic trees. Our schools are planting trees all the time. This writer is putting in a backyard orchard, but the kind of fantasy images that excite are far more intimate, more tactile.

What follows are some provocative prototypes by designers from around the world. This isn't a DIY post or a linked piece for depth. It is merely to spark thought. Could you live this intimately with plant life? We know it has been proven that our indoor air is healthier with plants, test show stress reduction and the beauty is undeniable. Enjoy . . .

You might prefer fish to eels in this aguaponic coffee table setup.  This furniture photo is reminiscent of the 1982 science fiction Blade Runner movie.