Monday, March 11, 2013

Quote of the Day

"What can men do? Men do not just need to stop being violent. The vast majority of men are not violent. But men do need to stop being silent. Calling violence against women, whether street harassment or sexual harassment or rape or murder, a 'women's issue' allows men to ignore it as if we have no responsibility for it or stake in ending it. We all have grandmothers, mothers, sisters, daughters and female friends and colleagues. Our lives are inextricably interwoven; women's issues of safety and equality directly affect our lives as men. Beyond that, women are humans, with the same rights to safety and freedom as men. It is therefore our moral responsibility to not remain silent or passively on the sidelines, but to be actively engaged in confronting this problem in every corner of homes, communities, and societies."
—Former NFL quarterback and current feminist Don McPherson

Read the whole op ed, where CNN invited men to join in anti-violence advocacy. Avoid the comments - a sewer. 

And An Observation from the  blogmistress of Shakesville:

The difference between "all men are rapists" and "a woman cannot tell by looking at a man whether he is a rapist" is vast and readily discerned. And I am really tired of reading rape apologists conflate the two, as if they are easily confused. Failing to distinguish between the two is not a mistake; it's an agenda.