Sunday, January 20, 2013

10 Top Things You May Not Realize Belong to You

...and everyone else on the planet [for most on the list]
  1. Air and Water
  2. Parks, Libraries, Streets and Sidewalks
  3. Social Security, the National Weather Service, Police Protection and other Public Services
  4. Wilderness Preserves and National Forests
  5. Wikipedia and Open Source Software
  6. Dance Steps and Fashion Trends
  7. Biodiversity
  8. Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Koran, Zen Koans, Hindu Upanishads, Norse Sagas and Native People’s Stories of Creation.
  9. Blood Banks, Soup Kitchens, 12-Step Groups, Museums and other Civic Initiatives
  10. The Oceans, Antarctica and Outer Space
Editor: Another chapter in Celebrating the Commons: People Stories and Ideas for the New Year from Commons Magazine being presented each Sunday at EYNU.