Sunday, October 28, 2012

Quote of the Day - Candidate Lisa Shaffer

"If you want to replace campaign yard signs that have "disappeared" overnight, consider making your own on poster board or foam core, saying "Someone took my sign for SHAFFER FOR COUNCIL" or for KRANZ FOR COUNCIL". I have foam core that I'm happy to provide. Email me at if you want some."
The original quote should have by this note from Shaffer: 
More reports this morning of my campaign signs being stolen out of people's front yards where they were placed with permission. This is a sign of desperation - some folks must think that if they try to hide the extent of support for Tony Kranz and me, it will help their candidates. But it doesn't work. We are running a grassroots campaign with real people supporting us because we work hard, we tell the truth, and we play by the rules. Too bad all the candidates can't say that. If you vote by mail, please send in your ballots soon so they will be counted in the early returns.
This idea can be found in other election places and races. Although Lisa Shaffer's idea isn't fraught with scolding or accusation like the sign below.  (We all know the toxic thinking supported by the opposition in this town.)

Looks like this kind of bad behavior is shared by Republicans in Atlanta (and in cities across the country).