Saturday, July 21, 2012

Religious Symbol Rather Than a Lethal Weapon

The Denver shooting yesterday in a movie theater and the San Diego man who did the killing with many guns and many victims is something some are still processing. Too close to home? You can be sure it won't be labeled terrorism, the shooter is white. 
In the New Yorker, Adam Gopnik laments that "no one—really no one—anywhere on the political spectrum has the courage to speak out about the [destruction] of unleashed guns and what they do to American life." 
Quoting Gopnik's piece, Digby adds:
 "We will mourn the casualties the way we mourn the deaths of those in hurricanes and tornadoes. Gun violence is now a 'natural' event in America, as unpredictable as the weather, and there's nothing we can do about it except gather together in the aftermath to help the victims. Indeed, the only enduring threat these events foretell is from those who would question a culture that deifies the gun as if it were a religious symbol rather than a lethal weapon." 
Appreciation to Melissa McEwan for the quotes, links.  Having lost a daughter to such a "religious symbol" in the form of a 9 mm Beretta, there are no words to convey my contempt for this culture.  And speaking of contemptible, Rifle Magazine tweet Friday morning. Wretched timing . . .