Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Foundation of Commons-Based Solutions

Six elements of a new paradigm

  1. We understand that everyone belongs—and everyone has a stake in any decisions made. No exceptions.
  2. We act out of sufficiency (“there is enough”) and share a mutual responsibility to take care of this abundance and pass it on.
  3. We value the humanity of everyone.
  4. We seek a rough social equity in decision-making, outcomes and across society as a whole.
  5. We take history into account—everyone’s history. Who we are, what we’ve experienced and where we come from.
  6. We put structures, systems or rules in place to make sure everyone belongs and ensure continuity of this work into the future.

Photo by Ben Strader.

Editor: Another chapter in Celebrating the Commons: People Stories and Ideas for the New Year from Commons Magazine being presented each Sunday at EYNU.