Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunshine Week, March 11-17

This week will be devoted to sunshine, letting the sun shine on all that goes on in our local governance. Encinitas You Need Us was created for the express purpose of making video clips available to the public at large.

A planned document dump will be going on behind the scenes throughout the week of more than a hundred clips from the last 5 years. This represents hundreds of hours of meetings capturing highlights, citizen concerns and minority voices not recorded in public records. Many of these clips focus on the public speaking out against the majority in council violating open government ordinances and laws.

Look for these throughout this week and in the weeks to come.  

 A message from Encinitas leading advocate for Sunshine in government, Councilwoman Teresa Barth, reads.
"Patch is participating in National Sunshine Week to encourage more transparency in government and to protect the public's right to know.

Here is a great opportunity to speak up about what is going on in Encinitas."