Friday, February 17, 2012

Why Encinitas You Need Us?

This blog is - in theory - a delivery system for the Encinitas City Council clips at the YouTube channel, encinitasyouneedus. Navigating the YouTube universe is almost as frustrating as trying to find anything at the City of Encinitas website.

The clip below, from two and a half years ago gives a sound rationale for a volunteer effort being required to support citizen information gathering.  This city's council majority and city staff fail at open government beyond the state mandated minimums.  By keeping expectations as low as possible, their proverbial nugget of truth (truthiness?), we must be really motiviated to find information on our own.

To the voters of Encinitas who are too busy, too distracted, too overwhelmed or otherwise able to know what is going on at city hall, you need us.  You need those of us who are willing to dig in and find answers.  This means watching many hours of videos to make clips so you don't have to . . .

  • You need us to get all of the background clips for major issues, some in your neighborhood, that have been videotaped since September of 2007. 
  • You need us to be vigilant, to watch, to speak up and to capture it all to share. 
  • You need us to allow you to hear all of the voices and perspectives of all of the elected office holders and the public at large. 
  •  And, in a really satisfying way, you need us to capture you when you stand before the city council and speak your piece. 

 If EYNU captures your moment, we want you to distribute it to everybody you know. This is an election year and Encinitas lacks diversity under the closed loop of the supermajority. This must change.