Thursday, April 5, 2012

Preying - on the Young

It's Spring Break! Our Encinitas economy flourishes on Spring Break dollars spent in our community when college kids from across the country flock to the beaches for good times. But this post is about something different. It's no 1960's Annette Funicello movie here. This is about the predatory practices, laws and systemic breakdown that will eat away any future for our young. Student loan debt is in the news with good reason. It is crushing young people, along with their families who co-signed for private student loans.

As a disclaimer of sorts, this is not a subject that our local council members or candidates to the council will be talking about, since this is out of the realm of local governance. I don't know what anyone on the council or running has to say. This is purely offered as editor's choice.

For a detailed look at this problem vexing Encinitas families and a nation of educated individuals who followed all the rules to secure a solid, secure future only to find they are trapped under crushing debt, watch this video report

Like the housing bubble bursting and media, politicians all claiming there was no way to have known, don't believe it.  We know where this is going. As the video report makes clear, just like the sub-prime scams, defaulting on student loans is a big profit maker for lenders and the federal government.  Vultures . . . Bubble . . . Bailouts . . . Have we learned anything?

Encinitas You Need Us is primarily focused on our local city council.  This weekend the young, those who'll shoulder whatever is being decided these days in that council feels more important than anything under the sun.  California used to be such a shining star in higher education, a model for the nation.  The long slow descent is a sad testimony to short term predatory thinking and governing.

Sometimes focusing on trying to be an activist by the example of your own life can feel like enough. It is a real sense of control.  A growing number of us are seeing that knowing what is going on in our local community government and participating in an informed way is a giant step forward in attempting to take some control to make a difference.

Championing, supporting the young in this very huge battle ahead will take millions of us to do a few simple things to stop these forces that are eating our young alive. Sounds like hyperbole, but seeing this up close and personal assures me it is not.