Monday, March 12, 2012

The New Guys . . .

This is the way I've recently been thinking of the two speakers from New Encinitas at the recent city council meeting.  Duff Pickering and Olivier Canler in the clips below are part of the awakening passion in New Encinitas.  Right now they only see the issue of El Camino Real as the Smart Growth locus in the General Plan Update draft. 

What is important is these men, their families and many others are mobilizing to protest their own perspective isn't being honored or protected.  They have a website, a petition and are dedicated to seeing this GPU process through.

Olivier Canler handed out books for each of the council members when he was finished speaking.

You can hear Mayor Stocks say, "Smart Growth is pretty much dumb." as Olivier is handing the books to the clerk. This from the chair of SANDAG, the group that is the genesis of Smart Growth everything in San Diego County. Maybe that body will chose to rotate his happy a## out of the chair.

We look forward to watching these new guys as they become more and more informed on exactly how things play out in Encinitas in the council chambers, in community groups and as they work hard (as they have done) in meeting with as many people as they can.  Diversity and an enlarged active citizenry is invigorating.  It is exactly what those who benefit from an uninformed and an indifferent electorate fear most.